In art, body proportions are the study of relation of human or animal body parts to each other and to the whole. These ratios are used in veristic depictions of the figure, and also become part of an aesthetic canon within a culture. Reference ;
The result of blurring an image used in graphics software, is used typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail. The visual effect of this blurring technique is a smooth blur resembling that of viewing the image through a translucent screen, distinctly different from the bokeh effect produced by an out-of-focus lens or the shadow of an object under usual illumination. Reference ; blurDIAGONAL
A diagonal is a line joining two nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon or polyhedron. Informally, any sloping line is called diagonal. The word "diagonal" derives from the Greek(diagonios),from dia-("across") and gonia ("angle). Reference ;
In education, grading on a curve (also known as curved grading or simply curving) is a statistical method of assigning grades designed to yield a pre-determined distribution of grades among the students in a class.AESTHETICS
Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste List :
Monochrome is a term generally used to describe painting, drawing, design, or photograph in one color or shades of one color. : HORIZONTAL
Many people are able to perceive polarization of light. It may be seen as a yellowish horizontal bar or bow-tie shape (with "fuzzy" ends, hence the name "brush") visible in the center of the visual field against the blue sky viewed while facing away from the sun, or on any bright background when looking through polarized sunglasses. Reference ; :
A Background is the part of a composition that appears to be farthest from the viewer, the part of a pictorial representation that appears to be in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground, or only the general scene or surface against which designs, patterns, or figures are represented or viewed. Reference ; LINE
The line at which the sky and the earth appear to meet, and in arts it is described as a straight line drawn to the opposire to a vertical line . :
Concave is the process of curving inwards.In Arts its having one or two surfaces curved or ground in the shape of a section of the interior of a sphere, paraboloid, etc. a concave lens or having an obsolete word for hollow Refference ; ;
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